Boeing Partnering With Wagner Join Forces To Create SAF

Boeing and Wagner Sustainable Fuels are teaming up to foster the growth of the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) sector in Australia. This partnership aims to cater to the increasing demand for jet fuel among Australian airlines, which is projected to surge by 75% in the next 25 years.

By Shreya M

Positioning themselves as a leading exporter in the United States, Boeing endeavors to enhance sustainable aviation, community engagement, and economic prosperity. With a global reach spanning over 150 countries, Boeing is renowned for its development, production, and maintenance of commercial aircraft, defense equipment, and space systems.

Wagner Sustainable Fuels is a firm dedicated to decreasing Australia's difficult-to-abate sectors of aviation and heavy transport through the provision and facilitation of SAF and renewable diesel. It is a part of the Wagner family’. WSF is leading the development of sustainable aviation fuels by implementing SAF blending facilities and renewable diesel supply chains in the near term, as well as SAF/RD production facilities from waste products, in response to global demand and Australia's need to reduce GHG emissions in the difficult-to-abate sector. Wagner Sustainable Fuel: A part of the Wagner family for a good sustainable future in Australia.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is derived from renewable sources such as municipal solid waste, animals fats, agriculture waste, etc. Now, what does this actually do? It’s a more sustainable alternative than convection fuel, as it remarkably lowers carbon footprint throughout its lifecycle

“Wagner’s sustainability goals align with Boeing’s work to advance aviation decarbonization and energy security through renewable energy, including SAF, advanced technologies, operational efficiency, and fleet renewal,” said Kim Camrass, the Boeing Australia, New Zealand & South Pacific sustainability lead. This was at Brisbane on April 19, 2024. The agreement is another step further in following SAF roadmap.

Matt Doyle, CEO of Wagner Sustainable Fuel, said that working with Boeing, the Wellcamp blending plant will show our customers how SAF reduces greenhouse gas emissions, give federal and state policy officials something to think about, and introduce the supply chain to this potentially AUD$3 billion+ sector annually. To quote Matt Doyle, he shares that ‘this facility will mark the start of the supply of SAF in Australia on a consistent basis.’

As Camrass continues, Boeing works closely with the Jet Zero Council of the Australian Government to overcome obstacles needed to establish a home-grown SAF sector. Now this includes supply chain limitations, feedstock availability, and standardization with international norms; therefore, to act in accordance with the international aviation rules, the Wellcamp Airport in Toowoomba, Queensland, has had Wagner Sustainable Fuel already begin designing and building Australia’s first uninterrupted supply of SAF within the airport's vicinity.

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